Here are some personal testimonies from our Tijuana trip (written by Chris).
We were able to pray for many, many people on the streets of Tijuana as well as in several neighborhood churches where we participated in special services set up for our teams. Rick had a chance to work with kids, preach, and do prayer ministry. I tried my hand at prophetic art - painting pictures in the front of the church. I gave two of the paintings away to people in the congregation that God highlighted, and was able to bless them with words I believe God was giving me for them. God also gave me a word of prophesy for a church. This was all very new for me and I had confirmations later about the words I gave.
I also saw many people get healed while participating in prayer for them. Here are just some of the things that happened:
On Revolution Street we put on a huge service of worship, complete with band, messages of God's love, words of knowledge for healing called out, and invitations to receive Christ. Hundreds gathered around our bandstand, and those of us in the crowd ministered to hundreds that night. We tangibly felt God's protection over us as we ministered.
One woman I prayed for with another student had been in a car accident and had much pain in her back and knee. After we prayed just a short time, we asked her to test it out and she squealed loudly - shocked that she was totally healed and had no pain in her back or knee.
A woman who had been crippled by polio was walking through the crowd in a hurry. A friend and I approached her and asked if we could pray for her. She said yes, and we prayed. Although she did not have noticeable healing, she was so mightily touched by the Holy Spirit. She bent over, weeping and hugging us. She told us her heart was healed of fear right then. She asked us to pray for her father who was ill in another part of the country. We had a mighty time of prayer. This woman taught me that the love of the Father we share in these prayers is so important - more important than the healing He brings. I always want to bring that love and compassion of Christ to every person.
Another woman in a small church my team ministered at was going through what we call a fire tunnel, where our team lined up in two lines and church members passed through us as we laid hands on them and prayed for Holy Spirit to touch them and bless them. A lady passed me and I could see she had a problem with her neck. I said a prayer for her in English as she passed by that she could not understand. But she started to shake as I said it. I found her later and asked if she needed prayer for anything. She pointed to her neck. I found a translator, and we prayed for a large goiter. Another young man came up to pray with me, and as we both had our hands on her neck, we physically felt, and visibly saw the goiter decrease in size about 50 percent. The woman was so touched, and crying as we prayed and loved her. Although we did not see the goiter completely disappear, God was certainly doing something. We prayed more, and I encouraged her to not give up hope and to know that sometimes healing is a process.
One little girl with a severely deformed face was alone in a corner. I approched her and tried to talk with her in my broken Spanish. I said a prayer for her face, but what was remarkable about this encounter was how God just filled me with love for her, and showed me how beautiful she was. I was sincerely able to tell her she was una muchacha bonita and mean it. She did not get healed that day.
I prayed for several women with stomach pain due to different ailments, and all felt the touch of Holy Spirit. All three said their pain was gone and felt they were healed. One woman felt a heat go through her body. I told her that was the Holy Spirit and that He was healing her. She was so moved.
Another woman with neck pain was totally pain free after I prayed for her. She had responded to a word of knowledge I gave after the church service.
We have been learning more about words of knowledge and were encouraged to be aware of them on our trip. On Revolution Street, I prayed and asked God to highlight someone he would like me to bless, and to give me her name. I sensed the names "Carla, or Carlotta." I boldly approached a group of young ladies and realized the one God had highlighted did not speak English, but her friend did. I asked her friend if this woman's name began with a C and what her name was. She said "Claudia." Wow - that was close and God did that!!! I told Claudia that I sensed God wanted her to know she brings Him so much joy and that He loves her so much. Then I had the opportunity to talk with the whole group and found out they knew Jesus. I blessed them all and went on my way - having learned a lot from that experience.
There were so many wonderful testimonies of salvation, healing, and people totally touched by God's love during our trip.
We also saw people in wheelchairs get up and walk freely, rejoicing.
God is so good...
Love, Chris
P.S. Watch for more testimonies from around the world as our students return from their trips!