Sunday, February 24, 2013

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

If I believed, as some do, that God “sends” crises to teach us…  then maybe I would indeed doubt His goodness. But I don’t believe that. God does not send what He does not have. 
"Golden Lining"
Does your life glisten with hope?
Prophetic Photography by Christine Tracy
There is no sickness in Heaven. Nor evil. His will is "on earth as it is in Heaven."
There is an enemy that seeks to discourage us from faith in God by throwing death at our doorstep through crisis, tragedy, loss, and illness. His plan is to steal, kill, destroy and deceive us into believing his lies. He's a powerless twirp when we don't believe his lies and instead declare God's promises over us.
I know my God promises to take what was meant to harm me and turn it around for my good. He promises that what was stolen will be restored. He assures me that no weapon formed against me will prosper. He tells me all things work together for my good. And He puts His arm around me and reminds me that nothing can separate me from His love.
I know Him. I know His ways. I know His word. I am a witness to His love and faithfulness to His children.
I can tell you that I know, without a doubt, He is good.

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.
His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5

You can now pre-order my new book, Tapestry - The Divine Design for Your Life.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bold and Creative Love

Sedona, Arizona
Photo by Christine Tracy

Did you know Paul the Apostle liked talking to the “New Agers” of his day? He did. He was not afraid. He was creative. 
The story goes that this group loved to discuss new ideas and philosophies. They were eager to hear Paul's news. I can picture Paul, brilliant and with the Holy Spirit as his guide, pondering how to reach these people with the message of Christ. Paul looked around and noticed there was an altar “to the unknown God.” That was it. That was what he would talk about.
I think Paul actually loved the challenge. Boldly he followed the leading of the Spirit. Boldly he opened his mouth and taught about this God they honored with an altar but did not yet know.
God loves all people. He loves the ones who don't know Him yet. He loves his Church – even those that are, like the Pharisees, walking in judgment and condemnation and bringing great pain to Him.
The veil is about to be lifted and truth will prevail. The Church, the Bride of Christ, the love of God Himself, will walk in purity and love. It will be  the goodness of God that will lead people to repentance in this great revival.
Are we ready? We, His children, filled with His Spirit, are the carriers and purveyors of His goodness. Love - not fear, not condemnation, not judgment - but love will open doors to let the truth prevail.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Not a Silent Partner

Prophetic Art by my
friend, Gary Rowell

“You just love your child and let me take care of the rest.” 
This was a response to my prayer of distress as I wondered how I would deal with a child of mine. It was Papa God’s response. I “heard” it in my head and it was more real than any word you could audibly speak to me. Sure enough, I held my tongue and focused on love and guess what? God showed up and my child was forever changed.
Do you know He is always with you? Holy Spirit – God’s very spirit – walks with you when you are a follower of his Son, Jesus. He wants to partner with you in everything you do – work, fun, ideas, art, relationships, everything. If you ask Him, He is ready to answer. For example, other times He has spoken to me:
"Chris – Get the book done and off your computer and I’ll take it the rest of the way." He did.
“Prepare the field, – just put the pieces together for this event. You don’t have to control it. I will do the rest." And He did.
"Just take your camera with you and watch. I will show you what to shoot." And He always does.
“Take the Prosperous Soul Class" (a class at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry that teaches about Kingdom wealth) "so I can bless you financially and you will know how to handle it.” We did and He is blessing us.
“Pray for that person and I will heal them.”And He did.
“Tell that little girl with the deformed face she is beautiful.”And I did and He showed her His love through me.
God wants to partner with us. We are both important to the outcome. It isn’t about us doing everything. It isn’t about Him being able to do everything without us. He wants us to partner with Him to advance His Kingdom on earth. He will show us and tell us how.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Opposites Overcome

What if…… .
- We thought about our blessings and stopped dwelling on what we don’t have yet?
- We focused on what is right about our health and not what is wrong?
- We spent our time being intentionally joyful and turned away from sadness?
- We began talking about what is right with the world instead of what is wrong?
- We spent most of our time affirming good behavior instead of giving negative attention to poor behavior?
- We started making things better, rather than complaining how everything is hopeless?
- We started really believing that God is in control instead of us?
- We focused our mind thankfully on the 95 percent of our body that works well instead of fretting about the 5% that doesn’t?
- We told our heart and soul to grab onto life instead of fearing death?
Fear, anxiety, negativity, stress, and much of the internal and external sickness around us is the fruit of faith in the wrong god. Isaiah 59:19 teaches that when the enemy comes, the Holy Spirit comes in like a flood to defeat him. I like that. We are overcomers!
My encouragement to you today is to go after love and life and truth and health and light  with all your might, rejecting anything that is opposite of those. Amen!
My book, "Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life," is now available for pre-order! Go to: