Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's Time To Fly!!!!!!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galations 5:1 (NIV)

Free at last, Free at last!!
My cast is off! Yes - those of you who have gone through this with me know how hard it was for me to have the restriction of a cast. Never have I so appreciated all my working parts! Never have I so honored my left hand and all it is capable of normally doing - like supporting my right hand, typing, lifting, washing dishes, shaping guitar chords, cleaning, doing laundry, buttoning my jeans, squeezing the get the picture. So you can imagine my joy when the cast came off last week. My "wing" was again able to help me fly.

Truly alive!
This experience I liken to my spiritual experience. I have had times when I was injured - rejected -  by someone and my feelings hurt - or times when I tried something and failed, or when I behaved badly and was ashamed, causing injury to my mind and heart. In those times I actually put a "cast" on my pain - a protective cover to help it to heal. Some people call it a "wall." We unknowingly build them to not only help us heal, but protect us from future hurts. The thing is - when we are healed and strengthened in that area, we often forget to remove the cast. It stays on - and the result is we are limited in our abilities to do things - like really love; really show compassion; and receive the same from others. Our walls keep us "safe," but prevent us from truly living.

Life, joy, freedom!
My prayer today is that we can enter life and freedom, and bravely remove our casts and take down our walls - and see that God has healed us - He will protect us - and His desire is for us to be free from anything standing between Him (our true life, joy, and freedom), and us (with hearts so desperately thirsty for that life, joy, and freedom).

The Joy of SOZO
Can you do it? Yes. It's time. If you need help - seek it. So many ministries are out there to assist in helping you find that freedom. SOZO is one of them - now offered through many ministries and churches. I have posted a link on my blog to the left. Check it out.

Blessings and joy to you today!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Good questions For Your Good Morning!

What is your passion today?
What life dream are you working on?
How will you be creative today?
What has God been talking to you about?
Today is your day! Colorado Worship Leader Rod Parsley posted on his FaceBook recently:
“God is as happy as He is holy!”
Seize this day and be happy in Him - and just see how it affects everyone around you!
We have heard it said that we are holy because He is holy. I would like to add:
“we are happy because He is happy! Yay!

Follow God’s example therefore, as dearly loved children.
Ephesians 5:1

Thursday, June 14, 2012

He's Calling You Closer

Do God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit seem distant?
John, the disciple who witnessed the death on the cross and later the resurrection of Jesus, writes so eloquently of the present and real participation in our lives of the One who died and now lives. Present tense. "He is, He will, He does."
John accepts the truth of the supernatural, eternal life of our Lord and presents the truth to those around Him and to all those who will ever believe and obey.
Psalm 5 assures us that God is present right now.
Psalm 46 tells us he is our ever present help in times of trouble.
How many times do we read these and then go about our lives trying to fix things for ourselves - leaving Him out or as an afterthought as we desperately cry for help?
I know I often quote these to others, yet forget to apply them to myself.
Our good God, His loving Son, and our friend and comforter, the Holy Spirit, surround us, indwell us, laugh with us, dance over us, and extend their compassion to us.
We need only to receive, give thanks, and lift our praises.
He's real. He's right there with you.
If you haven't met Him yet, let me introduce you! He's my friend, my Papa.
He is yours, too.

Painting by Bess Tracy