Thursday, July 26, 2012

True Stories of God and Technology

Are you feeling stuck in a place where you feel you can’t make a difference? Well cheer up! All you need is a phone,  a computer, letter writing ability, and a FaceBook/Twitter/Linkedin account!
How To Get Unstuck
"What are you talking about," I hear you ask??? I, too, felt stuck and ineffective when I recently moved to an area of Colorado where I knew no one. My husband was working all the time this past year, and I was at home working on my first book. Fresh out of ministry school and as passionate as a teenage girl with a crush on a cute boy, I was wondering what, if anything, I could do to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Smack Dab In The Middle of An Amazing World
Well, I’m a writer and photographer. The internet is perfect for the things I love to do. So I regrouped and changed the focus of my blog. Then, frustrated that I didn’t have a group of friends to teach my classes to, I prayed about it and realized I have access to the whole world, right from my little home office. I set up a phone number on; then asked a bunch of friends that live far away if they would be interested in doing some classes with me. They all said “yes!” I had people from all corners of Colorado; Chicago; Massachusetts; Pittsburgh; Cleveland, and California. I had others checking in from other places, too.
Check Out My Classes!
So all year, I had people meeting weekly all on the same call for such classes as "Cultivating Kingdom Creativity" using Theresa Dedmon's book; "Dream Culture," using Andy and Janine Mason's book; and "Prosperous Soul," using Stephen DeSilva's awesome teaching on Kingdom finances. A Facebook private page or email was all we needed to stay connected through the week. I would send encouraging words and testimonies as well as YouTube worship links. Members posted stories of their breakthroughs during the classes - and they still do!
It's All Duplicatable
And guess what? Some of these friends who took my classes have started up the same classes in their home towns. Wow. I am so happy about that!
Now Go Make It Happen!
God is good. He’ll give you ideas like He gave me. You have purpose; You have something to share with others. You, too, can make it happen with a little simple technology!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sadness in Colorado

As I write this, the television coverage of last night’s tragedy continues to describe the horror. Children dead and critically injured, a married couple dead, more than a dozen killed and more than 50 injured at the hand of a seemingly intelligent young man who had no previous criminal record. President Obama wonders what could possiblly move a person to hurt another human being. Candidate Romney has put in his thoughts about the living God bringing comfort. People all over the world are listening. People all over the world are praying.
What does motivate something like that? Incomprehensible. Tragic. Horrific. All words that continue to be uttered as witnesses and reporters describe what happened.
My heart is so sad. So sick. Everything within me is wanting to fight, yet what are we fighting? The only answer to President Obama’s question is - no human being could do something like this to fellow human beings. Pure evil is as real as our living God. It is a battle that has waged, according to the Bible, from before the foundations of the world. How do we respond as humans?
We can talk to the One who is able to bring the only comfort, peace, truth, light, life, healing, and love, that can transcend the pain of this time. Prayer works. Intercession works. Allowing Him to love others through us works. Times like these make us hold our children closer; count our blessings; and bond even with strangers. God is with us. He loves us. He loves Colorado. He is present. He will prevail. He is good.
God bless Colorado.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A gift for you!

Below I have a gift link for you that is so beautiful. My friend, Gary Rowell, is a wonderful artist and shared his gift with a beautiful musical artist, C. Denise Young. This is the result. It is so anointed with worship for our blessed with the love of God for His children.

We each have creative gifts, because we are made in the image of the Creator of the Universe! What has He put into you? Are you a painter? An inventor? A writer? A photographer? A carpenter? A poet? A musician? What could happen if you gave your gift to God? Might you find another artist to collaborate with? How can you see God blessing it beyond your wildest expectations?

For me - I wrote a book. Gasp! And then took a risk and sent it off to a few publishing companies. One didn't answer. One rejected it. And one loved it and it will be released in 2013!!!! (My gift as a painting artist is evolving...see my handflower above left?)

Please dream with me as you watch this video. Wind down. Simply enjoy what these amazing artists have created. There is a message in it for you. At the end, turn up the volume so you can hear some amazing prophetic words for you. I hope you enjoy this. Please reply with your thoughts! There is a reason you came upon my blog today! Click on the link below and prepare to experience heaven!!!!