Monday, December 30, 2013

When Jesus Came For Christmas

Imagine with me...
If Jesus were celebrating Christmas with us today, I think he would wrap his gifts in colorful rainbow paper, tied with brilliant bows of joy. He would be excited for every surprise he had for his family. He would place homemade cards on each present with special poetry spoken to each child and signed, “Love, Jesus.”
He would have a special present just for his Father in Heaven, a crystal heart representing the gift of His life that fulfilled His Father’s longing for friendship with mankind.
For his mother, Mary, there would be a book of memories of all the special ways she loved him and brought him comfort and joy.
And for His earthly dad, Joseph, He would give a custom made carving knife, engraved with thankfulness for his loving home and family. It would have a diamond blade and a wooden handle embedded with heavenly stones.
Jesus would love singing Jingle Bells just because the kids love it. He would love all the traditional songs of Christmas. He would sing and play music till all laughed and sung themselves to sleep. Jesus, in all his joy, would dance around the Christmas tree and gaze upon every beautiful ornament and bulb. He would look at the nativity scene on the mantle and gently touch the little baby and the lambs. He would enjoy all the traditions around his birthday, and, you know... I don't think he would mind Santa, stockings, and Rudolph at all, simply because they bring delight to his children.
Finally, he would tell the gathered family the story of his birth, and remember aloud the monumental moment of grace, joy, and purity as the destiny of time was accomplished. God born as man – the hope of life and glory for all the children of the earth forever.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fruits of Christmas Stories

I was having a bit of fun with grandchildren and advent calendars this month. The little windows, filled with chocolates, told about the nativity – the story of Mary, Joseph, and God’s miraculous gift to the world – Jesus Christ, born in a manger. Well, the story stirred some conversation that somehow led to Santa Claus and what it means to be good and what it means when you are bad. 

Somehow it also led to me telling them about the fruits of the Spirit. We googled it quickly because I can never remember them all and I read love, joy, peace, forbearance (patient endurance), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It was a sweet little time, innocent and gentle. I simply answered their questions and we even talked a bit about the reality of God even when we cannot see Him. I was amazed what we covered in about a two-minute exchange.

Then we were on to talking about Santa and elves and Christmas lists and one last little bit about patience…waiting for Christmas…waiting for our brothers and sisters and moms and dads…waiting when we don’t feel like waiting …with a smile.

You will feast and be satisfied with Me, Feeding on My revelation truth like honey." (Or chocolate!) (Psalm 81:16 - Passion Translation)

Chris Tracy's book, Tapestry, the Divine Design for Your Life, is now available at in Kindle and soft cover. Click here!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Inspired by Champions

My Rick and my mountains!
Photo by Chris Tracy
I know some amazing men and women from all ages and walks. Some are known - others not. Why do I find them amazing?  They are being who they were created to be. They took a risk. They climbed a mountain. They slew a giant. They paid a dear price. Above all, they trusted God. 
One person is leading a worldwide movement; one has the ear of government leaders around the world; one has changed the way we think about our prayer life; one has changed the way I think about health and my body; one has been transformed in thought and faith before my eyes; one has overcome and is faithfully forging ahead and not letting the past affect the future; some have written books; some are following dreams; others have invented business strategies or things that will improve life; still others have sacrificed all to serve with compassion people who don’t know yet who they are or Who they belong to.
These people are my heroes. If I were a scribe used by God to write a Bible for today’s times, many of them would be in it with all their stories of strife, mistakes, and victory. These average, humble individuals have paid the price for me to believe in my own dreams, and I pray the price I pay will open doors for those around me.
Our lives are but a breath on this earth. I want to live my years without regrets. I want to be brave. I choose to trust God, believing for every possibility and promise. I have been championed by greatness. Now I want to champion greatness in others.

Here is a Thanksgiving gift for you! Listen to this message by Pastor Bill Johnson on wisdom, and how to steward blessing. It just may be one of the most important messages of your life!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

None Get Through This Life Unscathed

I call this photo "I think I can, I think I can, I did!"
I also call it "Hope."
Photo by Chris Tracy
I hope that headline isn't a surprise to you. I just thought I needed to remind myself.
So...what is the purpose of problems, tragedies, losses, and sadness?
My answer? I don't know, but here is what I think:
This is one of those contrasts I talk about in my book - Tapestry. Like a tapestry, our life is a lovely piece of art - with beautiful experiences that offset very hard, dark ones. The balance creates contrast, balance, depth, and a beautiful story that God writes in each of our life experiences.
The purpose? I think it is to show other people that there is always hope. I think it is so grandpas and grandmas can speak from the strength of their experience to their children and grandchildren in a loving way that says..."it will be okay." I think it is a way we defeat the enemy of our lives; that no matter what, we survive, we hope, we love God, we believe, we know that we are conquerors and are loved by a Creator who assures us of life abundant. I am so thankful to Jesus for showing us the way.
How do we cope? We cope in our mind. Are we going to believe the lies of the enemy or the promises of our Father God? Are we going to live a life of misery and regret, or an existence of victory and joy? We get to choose. That choice affects everyone in our lives. I choose victory and joy. How about you?

My book: Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life will bring you new hope of your purpose and your identity. You can buy a paperback or digital download at or Preview my book free right here: Click on the picture of the book.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Miracle Testimonies Coming Soon!

See miracles when 
you click here:

   Soon, my friend Cindy and I will be flying to Phoenix to join people from around the world at a big conference.

Why am I going? It’s hard to put into words. Although many of my friends are anticipating so much will happen there, for some reason I go without expectation, but more of a quiet “knowing.”
I know I will receive mighty prayer and revelation from God’s heart. I know I will witness miracles. I know I will experience refreshing and I am hoping for my own physical healing.
I love to go to places where God is being hosted in worship and praise; where His presence is so tangible among His people. I soak up the fresh teaching. And I just like to hang with my tribe!
It’s going to be good. I know it.
Watch this space for reports while I am at the meetings.
We are hearing of miracles all over the world. That is why I pray you - and I - will continue to hope and stay encouraged for our own healing and answers to prayer...and always be courageous to pray for the healing and needs of others.
To build your faith and astound your heart and mind, I urge you to read some remarkable and beautiful miracles from the Bethel Healing Rooms.Click here:

Revelation 19:10 says "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." That means when you read, hear, and tell of His wondrous works, you create an atmosphere for Him to do it again!
God bless you!

Check my author website to order my book Tapestry, The Divine Design For Your Life Also available on (paperbook and e-book).

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kris' 7 Keys to Successful Living

I love these. What a great guide to live by!
This list is from Kris Vallotton, Senior Associate Pastor at Bethel Church - Our favorite teacher at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry!

1-Put God 1st in your life and have no 2nd, so that your entire life is walked out in a way that honors the King. 

2- Keep a list of the works of God in your life and meditate on what He has done...not what He has yet to do.

3- Don't take yourself too seriously. When you do something stupid laugh at yourself and tell others so they can laugh human. If you sin, repent honestly and quickly then forgive yourself! Get over it!!! Don't live in sucks and it's an insult to the Cross.

4- Remember that there is always enough time in the day to do everything Jesus has called you to do. So remind yourself that you are not the Savior of the world. Living to meet the expectations of people instead of God will kill you. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please EVERYONE!

5- Keep short accounts with people...forgive them quickly. Unforgiveness invites every kind of evil into your life. People will fail you at times. Give up punishing them. It's not worth the grief!

6- Live with a servant's heart and a king's/queen's mind. Be humble...there is no job beneath you. Yet carry yourself as royalty...manage your inner world nobly. You are a son/daughter of the King! Think like it!!!

7- Be ridiculously always comes back to you. Your lineage gives you unlimited resources.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

To Our "Home" Church Family

Walking Into Our Destiny
Oil Pastel by Chris Tracy

There once was a little boy and a little girl.
They loved playing in creeks and walking mountain trails.
She loved writing and taking pictures. He loved building things and blowing things up.
They grew up and got married and had a family. They lived in a little home they built themselves and raised their babies – human and animal. They loved and loved and loved – each other, their children, their friends.
They dreamed about building cozy log cabins for happy people who wanted to live a simpler life on mountain creeks and in colorful canyons.
Their dream came true, but after a while, it was taken from them. 
Sad and confused, they turned to the One who created them.
Slowly, he restored them. Lovingly, he healed their hearts. Happily, He loved them back to wholeness, dreaming new dreams with them.
And there were people who believed in their new dreams. The people loved them and cheered for them and sent them to where God was calling them.
Today, the girl still loves writing and taking pictures. The boy still loves building things and blowing things up. But now, they know who they are and Who they belong to. They know how to listen to the still small voice. They can’t help but tell others how good their Papa is.
The boy and girl are happy. They are filled, blessed, fed, clothed, healed and warmed. They are ready for more adventures – confident in the One who knows them best and trusting His purposes for them. Life is good.
(This story is dedicated with thanks to the Christ Followers at Kremmling Community Church in the small mountain town of Kremmling, Colorado - our home church for 30 years.)
My book: Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life will bring you new hope of your purpose and your identity. You can buy a paperback or digital download at or Preview my book free right here: Click on the picture of the book.

Monday, September 30, 2013

You Are Woven Into a Tapestry

"You are way more than you think you are. 
The ups and downs, crises and fun times, sad and happy experiences, your dreams and goals, relationships and thoughts are all part of the tapestry of your life.
The dark times contrast the bright times, making them more beautiful. The high places wouldn’t be so lovely without the low places. Like a mountain wildflower that can only exist in extreme weather areas, you are an exquisite creation that is becoming more beautiful as the years and experiences go by.
As you read this book, you will discover your own life’s design, and learn new things about your Creator, whose light invades your darkness and whose imagination has fashioned you to be unique and amazing."
Are you ready to discover what God had in mind when He imagined you?
This is an excerpt from the introduction to my book, Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life. I think you will like it. I wrote it for you. It is about YOU! This book will change you. It will help you see God's ever-present hand in your life. There are blessings for you and prayers for you. God has anointed it to touch you in a special way. This book is my dream and I pray it will help you reach your dreams!
Love, Chris
"I want you woven into a tapestry of love; in touch with everything there is to know of God."(Colossians 2:2-4 - The Message)

Available in paperback and digital formats from:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How Can We Make a Difference in This World?

My daughter, Bess Tracy, painted this for her niece
(my granddaughter), Samantha Tracy to encourage her
destiny and dreams. "Let her sleep, for when she
wakes, she will move mountains." What a
declaration to wake up to every day!
(Author of quote is unknown.)

I think most of us want our lives to count for something. We truly want to make a difference… to make life better for someone… to be remembered… to do good with our talents and possessions.
One night I could not sleep. Thunder and a full moon had me wide awake at 2:30 a.m.. I ended up “talking”on Facebook with Tom, a friend from the United Kingdom we met at Bethel Church where my husband and I attended ministry school. It was mid-morning in London, and Tom, a young dad, was writing an essay and studying for his degree in Theology. He told me he was struggling due to dyslexia. I simply told Tom in my text that he had a kind heart and the world needed him. We made declarations of healing over his problem. We wrote a bit more and then signed off. He told me he knew why I wasn’t sleeping…that I was awakened to minister to him. He needed encouragement. My part was so simple. The Holy Spirit, (who hangs around Facebook, don’t ya know?), did the rest.
Few of us are called to be missionaries or traveling evangelists or pastors of a local church. Most of us work in the marketplace, we're raising children at home, and we gather with friends who are believers as well as pre-believers.
So…what can we do to make a difference in this world? How can we bring the beautiful light of heaven into people's lives?
The answer? Just be available. Listen to and watch what God is doing. Encourage a child. Help a neighbor. Show Jesus’ love and compassion to a hurting person. Use your culinary or athletic gift to gather friends. Build relationships. Give a $20 bill to a corner homeless person. Support a missionary. Give an unexpected gift. Make a new friend. If you're young, bless an older person. If you're old, encourage a young person. Pray silently for someone next to you on the highway.
You may never know how far your acts of love and compassion may go. You could be making a big difference to a person who will make a difference to his daughter who will make a decision for her own life that will change the world.
Inventor, dreamer, artist, writer, carpenter, friend, sibling, parent, grandparent…you already make a difference. Now do it some more! Do it intentionally. You have been blessed to be a blessing!
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose!” - Dolly Parton

I hope you will find out who you are and what you are called to when you read my book Tapestry - The Divine Design for Your Life. Be encouraged. God will meet you when you seek Him. 
Available now in digital download and print. Click here to order

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When Prayer Goes "Unanswered"

"Hope Survives"
Aspen trees begin to flourish in a forest that
burned a decade ago at Trappers Lake, Colorado.
Photo by Chris Tracy

What do we do when we pray, yet it seems like the answers aren't coming?
We pray for rain during a forest fire… it finally comes, but sometimes too late.
We pray for torrents to stop so floods can subside...they eventually stop, but sometimes too late.
We pray for safety on roads, but sometimes… we don’t feel very safe.
We pray for healing… and we wait and wait for its manifestation.
And what about disasters--natural and man-induced--where death and destruction seem to prevail? Where is the hand of God?
How do we cope with "unanswered" prayer? Do we give up and decide God’s will is not to answer or that his answer is “no”? Or do we blame ourselves for not being deserving enough or holy enough to pray and expect an answer?
All I know is I have seen miracles, experienced healings, and come to know God's nature through His Word, enough to be completely convinced of His goodness. I know His answers and solutions are better than my own.I know there is a spirit realm where God moves in ways I may never see. I know there are angels who guard us and go to battle for us. I know God is always for us and His answers are “yes and amen.” I remember my testimonies. I know that what matters to me, matters to Him. I have learned that trusting God--having that peace that passes understanding--means I must give up my right to understand.
My prayer for you is that you, too, will know His goodness--and that you will always trust Him.
Never stop praying. He hears. He is close.
May you always wear hope like a badge that you never take off.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Find some of my testimonies of miracles in my book, Tapestry, The Divine Design For Your Life, available now at,, or Tate Publishing:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Miracle of Praise

Oil Pastel by Chris Tracy

     Worship Leader Terry MacAlmon was singing on my Tahoe's CD player as I drove to the doctor’s office this morning. “Praise him, praise him, praise him, praise him.” Melodic, harmonic, and touching me deeply - I knew for sure that my singing along to this song was more for me in that moment than for God.
   What? you gasp. Yes. Praising God today was more for me than for Him.
Yes – we are asked by God and trained early in our Christian life to give Him praise…to lift praises to Him…for He is worthy and deserves our worship. I totally 100 percent shout my agreement and passion for His worthiness to receive every praise.
   But God, in His great love for me, gave me a voice and a song and a heart for worship. When I use these gifts to bring Him praise, I think I am blessed more than He is. I am filled with this feeling of intimacy with my Creator. I sometimes cry for the preciousness of it all. Sometimes I laugh. Often I dance. Mostly I am filled with joy and a knowledge I am not alone…He is always with me…He loves me…He adores me…He thinks of me…He speaks to me...He heals me. He knows I need to have this feeling I can only experience when I sing praises to Him.
   This is an example of the exceedingly abundant and extravagant ways He answers our prayers and blesses our lives. Could this be what "Christ in you, the hope of glory," (Colossians 1:27) feels like?
   What is meant for Him is ultimately for us. Only our loving Papa God would think of that.
   Oh Jesus, God, Holy Spirit…You astound me!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hosting God's Presence

   In a season that has brought some grief as well as physical pain, I have been a bit withdrawn and antisocial. I tend to wonder if I am doing enough for God in my ministry. It's that old striving anxiety rearing its ugly head. God is not concerned with how much I do. He is concerned for me - His beloved daughter.  His only desire is that I rest in Him; seek Him; hunger for more of Him; and learn to recognize and host His presence.
   What is His presence? Can we feel it? Yes. I have felt it and pray you have or will feel it, too. It can be an electricity or heaviness over us as we worship and sense His love. It is peaceful. It is pleasurable. It is enough. In our busy lives, taking moments every day to invite His presence prepares us to be aware of His creative ideas and His moves in our day.
   I don’t want to miss what He is doing while I strive to be sure I’m "doing enough" for Him. I covet moments where I rest in His love, imagining myself a child in His joyful embrace.
   Yes – He has work for us to do. But we do it out of rest in Him. We do it not for His presence but from His presence.
   "In Him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28
   Holy Spirit, you are welcome here!

   Here’s a great song. Listen and soak in His love for you. "Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here." (Written by Bryan and Katie Torwalt; sung by Kim Walker-Smith.)

Order my book "Tapestry - The Divine Design for Your Life." I pray it will bless you today! Click!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Puddles to Paradise

Three-year-old Mesa dashed out the door in the pouring rain and took a running, perfectly executed leap into the middle of the greatest mud puddle she had ever seen. Giggling, she gazed at her tall rain boots and danced with every inch of her 3-year-old frame at this miracle of rain on her little Texas ranch. This was a day she had long waited for - her favorite kind of day. No gloom here. Just wild fun.
So how do I turn my “puddles” into paradise? Simple - I turn to Psalms.
When I can’t sleep, I read Psalms 4:8 – “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
When I have physical pain, I turn to Psalms 6 and read: “O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony;” and “for the Lord has heard my weeping; The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”
When I feel insignificant or weak, I find my identity in Psalms 8 that reminds me I am “crowned with glory and honor.”
Loneliness, weariness, fear, anxiety and depression are all dealt with and overcome in this mighty book of healing. Here I find encouragement, joy, love, and peace. If you are having a rainy, puddly day that lacks joy, start at Psalms 1 and read until you find yourself in the prose and heart of the One who inspired every word – our ever good Father God.
My prayer for you today is that you, like little Mesa, will take wild delight in life’s puddles as you discover this paradise of life that is such a gift to you – through even the difficult times.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sweet Symmetry

   I have the great privilege of working at something I love – and making an income, too. Presently I am editing some wonderful books, and while I do it, I get to encourage the authors. God has been bringing me writers and creative people – and I get so excited. As I help them and cheer them on, I get inspired too – to write, create, paint, think higher…
   Today I took a drive to the Grand Mesa to photograph mountain wildflowers, listen to a rushing stream, and smell the pine trees. I can’t…repeat…I cannot (!) feel good sitting in my house when this beauty is so close. So…alone, but really not alone, I go to seek what I may find today – a perfect Colorado Columbine, a reflecting lake, and a seeded flower past it’s prime but perfect in it’s airy symmetry. These remind me that I, too, am perfectly made, a reflection of the Creator, and, wonderfully symmetrical in who I am. Yes. My God is good!
I bless your spirit today to discover the beauty of your life in God's creation – where you will find your own symmetry!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

It's Simply Good News

The amazing things you find in a
quiet aspen grove.!
Photo by Chris Tracy

What Jesus taught, people were hungry for. They came in throngs to hear His message of love. And they lost their appetite and left in throngs when He talked about drinking his blood or eating His body.
“What kind of man is this?” they asked each other. 
Peter knew. When Jesus asked His disciples if they were going to leave, too, Peter asked “where would we go? You have the words of life. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” How did Peter know? It was revealed to him, according to Jesus, by the Father.
How did Peter connect with the Father? That was revealed to him through Jesus’ message and His life. We can connect the same way. Sound too simple? It is. Let Him reveal Himself through your Bible and through His Holy Spirit. Listen, watch, encounter!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

This Great Earth

How about a duet with God?
Photo by Chris Tracy
Downtown Grand Junction, Colorado
Right now I’m sitting outside a very cool coffee shop in artsy downtown Grand Junction. The fountain next to me sings in concert with the outside piano on which a young musician is banging out his version of Heart and Soul. I think of getting up and playing the upper melody.
The warm breeze continues to thaw my winter worn body, and I am at total peace as I type and breathe in the flower-scented air under a bright red umbrella.
I think…I was born for this - writing, creating, appreciating artists and even not-so-good musicians. I think about how I love to paint, though I’m not a painter; I love to play music, though I’m not really a musician. There is something in the creating and in the appreciation of others creating that makes me feel free, childlike, and gets my mind out of the rut that it tends to get into. When I paint or write or take pretty photos, my mind is on the beauty of color and the joy of Creation. I think how much fun Papa had thinking up, then speaking forth this amazing homeland we call Earth. Mountains, oceans, gems, animals, songbirds, rainbows, seasons, sunsets, blooming fruit trees, fragrances of nature, sounds of streams…
Yes – there is plenty wrong with our world. But there is plenty right with it. I choose to dwell on the latter because it is where my heart lives. Thank you, God, for this great Earth You gave me to enjoy. You are so good!

Check out our ministry site and buy my book!