Chip, a beekeeper and geologist, loved his honey business. I thought this photo was a fitting tribute to my brother! |
I share this very personal story in hope against hope that it may help someone who is stuck in life-sucking grief.
My only sibling, my brother Chip, passed away in a gunshot incident Jan. 1, 2013. He was alone and investigators ruled it self-inflicted. Whether an accident or intentional, there was no explanation - no easing my pain. There could not and would not ever be an answer to my "why?" (I believe it was an accident.)
I have gone through the too-early death to cancer of my mom; and an equally painful loss of my dad to cancer. I grieved for them, but nothing compared to the pain I experienced over my little brother who was just 18 months younger than me.
Our lives had grown apart in recent years with the changes in jobs, marriages, and locations. We talked or wrote letters and emailed occasionally - but I always knew he was there. He was the only other man in my life who loved me and knew me - other than my husband. I never questioned that he would not be around in my later years - when we would have more time to travel together, play music, remember old times. I was so looking forward to that.
Devastated and unable to sleep for months, I did not know how I was going to shake that feeling of despair. But one day I went to a conference where Will Hart was teaching on healing, Kingdom culture, and character. I heard someone say to me as I walked into the church the last night of the meetings, "don't resist me." I knew it was God because this was so foreign to what I would be normally thinking. "Lord, when do I resist you?" I asked. But I knew the answer.
Afraid to show outward emotion or physical reaction to the presence of God, I had resisted Him. I worried what others would think. I worried about getting hurt if I fell while being prayed for. Certainly I had felt the power in the past, but I had resisted.
This time, when called forward for prayer with several other people, I remembered: "Don't resist me." When Will touched my head and prayed i just surrendered - out of obedience this time - and not caring who was watching. To my amazement, as someone lowered me to the floor, I had a vision. Jesus quite simply took me to Heaven, and I saw my mom and dad and yes, my brother, standing with Jesus and me. They were so happy to see me. I remember telling them how happy I was, but that I would not be back for at least 40 years. That was it. I rested on the floor, weeping, and soon got up and took my seat.
This probably sounds very strange to many of my friends. Even crazy. All I can say is that night, the devastating grief lifted and I found peace in the knowledge that all was well with my family in Heaven. That night, God so showed His love to me in helping me "see" His reality. If I had resisted, and worried about what others thought, I would not have experienced this type of healing.
How do you know you have had an encounter with God? Everything changes. I will never forget and always be thankful for that day I did not resist Him.
He is wanting to meet with you, too. "Don't resist me," he says so patiently. I pray you have your miracle soon, too.
Bless you!
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