It's September and the aspen trees are beginning to change to brilliant yellow. It's my favorite time of the year in the mountains. Cool breezes, cold starry nights, sunshiny warm afternoons, crunchy leaves, snowcapped peaks, brilliant blue skies...I LOVE Colorado. It truly must be one of God's favorites!!!!
Official BSSM Year 2 graduates!
Since graduating from 2nd year at BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry), Rick and I have re-settled in a new town - Parachute, Colorado - in a little area called Battlement Mesa under a peak called Crown Peak.
Happy to have jobs!
Rick is working in the natural gas fields and is happy to be working again. I am almost finished with the first draft of my book and this week will be rewriting and editing. I can't wait for you to read it! I'm also associate editor for Kingdom Life Magazine, a new magazine published by Dr. Myles Munroe's team and distributed throughout the world. In addition, I am editing for a fiction author and a children's author. Both of their books will be published soon and are amazing. Stay tuned for more information on how to find them. I also am doing some writing and communications work for our long time home church, Kremmling Community Church. What a blessing they are and it's fun to watch what God is doing there. Rick and I were honored this summer to be able to speak to them about our time at school - and to talk to them about intimacy with God; healing ministry; and their identity in the Father as adopted sons and daughters. It was a precious time for us.
My creative dream is to be able to write books and use them as tools as I travel and speak to groups about hope and destiny and our good God.
I love my writing, editing and author coaching. It is so fun, and exactly what I want to be doing. My prayer is that eventually it will prosper us, too. God has promised that! So, meanwhile, I take what He sends and love every moment. I am so thankful for Rick's new job, our pretty rented home, and being close again to some of our family.
God is a techie
God loves technology. Did you know that? We are keeping in close touch with our Bethel friends who are now located all over the world. We Skype with our grandchildren, and we text and email daily with our kids. What a world we live in. When I was a young mother, I could barely talk to my mom once per week because long distance calls were very expensive. I have a collection of letters she wrote to me, mailed with a postage stamp. She also gave me the letters I wrote to her before she passed away. I love them.
With our present day technology, I feel so blessed to be able to stay in closer touch with my family. I also love that I can do my work from my pretty home office and have it read around the world. I'm amazed at how many people are reading this blog from nations I have never even been to. I love you all!
Talk to us!
We welcome any questions or responses from you regarding our time as students at Bethel and what God is doing now after we have been in two intense years of equipping. God is about to do something big. There have been many signs. If you are seeing them, you know it too. Signs can include what we used to think were coincidences. Numbers lining up on the clock, people speaking into our lives, dreams in the night. I feel our Papa God has placed us strategically in this area of the country and is allowing us a time of rest and regrouping. We are presently visiting local churches and seeing where He would like us to serve. Meanwhile, we love ministering online with our friends. (Find us on Facebook: Christine Krohn Tracy.)
We have been thoroughly equipped in the prophetic, in the healing and prayer ministry, in leadership, in life coaching, in kingdom creativity, in kingdom financial training, and even dream culture and destiny coaching. These are good and beautiful - promising and effective. They all have God's anointing and thumbprint of power and grace on them. And they are for everyone who is hungry to receive.
Could that be you? We pray you take the risk and enter into this amazing life God has planned on your behalf.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Take our hands across the miles and countries. Let us pray for you. We have so much to tell you. Rick and I will be writing more as the weeks go by. We pray that God opens your hearts and minds to receive all the riches in glory He is right now pouring out upon you.
Many blessings and much love,
P.S. Don't forget the SOZO Basic Training being brought to Colorado from Bethel Church in Redding, California. The team will be teaching at Kremmling Community Church in Kremmling, Colorado. For information, or to sign up, go to: www.kremmlingcommunitychurch.org