So, as March turned into April, I would listen for the soft songs of the redwing blackbirds; venture outside in the sun to see if I could feel a warm breeze on my face; and follow the flight of Mountain Bluebirds as they came home to build their nests.
One sure sign of Spring were the Pasque Flowers that would pop up all over our yard, even through the snow. We always had a prize for the child who would find the first Pasque Flower.
Just like we search for signs of Spring, we also need to keep our eyes focused on the good in each day of our life. God’s desire for us is to think about the good and to ignore the bad. Our life will deal some hard blows. It is part of being human in this world. But when we remember the One who conquered all and has our hand in His, we can be confident that we can rise above the mire. As we declare God’s goodness – giving our attention to His gifts of Spring and life – we defeat the plans of negativity the enemy uses to keep us down. It’s just like God to give us weapons of joy, laughter, and worship – easy for us but terrifying to the devil. God is so good!
I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil. – Romans 16:19.
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