There are five things I've learned in the ten years since Rick and I attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM):
1: The older we get, the hungrier we get. The love of learning and the heart's desire to ever know more of the nature and love of God keep us studying, moving forward in life, and following what we sense God is wanting us to do.
3: The message hasn't changed. That message is: "God is good. He's better than we imagine. We are His beloved children. All He asks of us is to be His sons and daughters. It's from that precious identity we seek to want to do with Him what He asks us because we love Him and love His exploits.
4: We have the authority of Jesus to defeat the enemy of our souls. We can pray and declare truth and trust things are happening in the spirit. We can sing praises; laugh; and live in joy - and know that these are mighty weapons to defeat the plans of the enemy. We can know that Papa God delights in us and is with us in all things. We can know that even in bad times He will somehow and with great strength turn them around for good. We can trust that His promises will come to pass concerning us.
5: We continue to live in awe and thanks for all we learned while in school. So many helped us attend; and we pray many have benefitted from our time there. It has been such a joy to share what we learned and to pour into others what was poured into us.
We love you all and have so much hope and many plans for the coming years. It's going to be good!
Psalm 145:15 - You have captured our attention and the eyes of all look to you. You give what they hunger for at just the right time.