Monday, November 30, 2009

Football, knitting, walking

So - just so you know - it's not all studying and class time. 
Rick is watching Monday night football right now at the club house here at our apartments. We don't have a TV, and it's a short walk. I'm making chicken soup to nurse my bad cold.
We take walks along the Sacramento River (see photo!) and, until my bike was stolen a month ago (sob) I would enjoy sunny bike rides with a friend. 
Baking, knitting and reading awesome books are also part of my fun - along with sitting in the hot tub. We've enjoyed hiking in the mountains and visiting nearby towns, too. Here we are at 400 feet elevation and the air is thick. Our former home was at 8500 feet elevation, so that's quite a change for us. The roses are still blooming here, the days are in the 50s and 60s and mostly sunny and breezy. Redding is a pretty and clean town. The palm trees that decorate main street are covered in Christmas lights that wind up the trunk. They are so pretty. The grass is still green, and I understand if we have anything at Christmas, it will be heavy rain.
We miss our Colorado family and home and what we know will be a beautiful, white Christmas.
We won't be coming home, but our daughter, Bess, is coming for a week and we can't wait! We're going to see the California Redwoods while she's here, and maybe see Christmas lights in San Francisco.
Have a happy day! - Chris

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Healing Rooms

Today, we went to the Saturday morning healing rooms at Bethel Church . First you fill out a form if you want prayer. Then you enter the "Encounter Room" which is filled with people who have come for prayer, as well as members of the prayer ministry team. There is a worship team that plays nonstop for about three hours - beautiful worship. There is a table with communion on it. There is a big tarp on the floor where children are playing. There are tables set up where adults and children can draw pictures and make collages on paper. Some are making pictures for others and use the pictures to tell others what God is saying about them. That's called prophetic art. There are easels with canvases and talented painters are making beautiful large pictures as Holy Spirit inspires them. Another corner has dancers - young women and girls who have pretty dancing clothes on and they sway and leap and dance for the Lord and they are beautiful.

I sit in this atmosphere that is so charged by the presence of God. One of the prayer leaders calls out words of knowledge as the Lord moves them. Someone has just been healed of a surgically altered femur that was damaged in a car accident years ago. She is pain free, and her leg and bone have grown out to match the other leg. She testifies she has also been healed emotionally. Another older man says his shoulder, which has been crackling with arthritic pain for years, has just been totally healed. That was after the worship leader had people in the room stand and form a conga line as we danced in worship around the room. Another older man in a cute hat is walking and doing a little jig to the music. He laughs and is full of joy as he greets people around the room. Other prayer ministry team members go to people who raise their hands when words of knowledge go out - like words for foot problems, knee problems, cysts, tumors, old injuries, and such. Last time we were here, someone was healed of multiple sclerosis. She was in a wheelchair and had very little time to live. By the end of the morning she was pushing her wheelchair and talking and moving parts she hadn't moved in years.

Many come to Bethel from all over the country, just to bring their sick and injured loved ones and friends to the healing rooms.

I've come today to get prayer for a lingering sinus cold - and Rick would like prayer for dental issues. Soon we're called out to the healing room and will get personal prayer there.

I realize that even just being in the encounter room, my cold has started to dissipate just from sitting and soaking and worshiping and being in this healing atmosphere. I also realize today that prayer I had two weeks ago when I was here was effective and I didn't think about it until now. They prayed for my back pain and when they called that out today, I checked my back and it was perfectly fine.

On another note, about six weeks ago, Pastor Bill Johnson called out a word of knowledge during one of our classes for someone with migraines that come once a week and have to do with allergies. I stood up, received it, felt a tingling up and down my spine, and have not had any more migraines since that day. Whenever I feel like one is coming on, I just say "no, I'm healed," and let it go. Seems I have had to be prayed for several times for these things, but the healing comes in a process. Some people are healed instantly, some over the coming days and weeks. I think I'm going to go to the healing rooms every Saturday just to sit in the atmosphere there. It's so fun! Rick loves it too. We're learning a bunch just observing.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Just some of what we are up to...

Last night during worship services, we had a "prayer meeting" like that in Acts 4, asking for more of God, evident in the signs and wonders he wants to do through us to bring his children to Him. The message was: our prayers move God in Heaven thus bringing Heaven to Earth. It was a mighty time of personal and corporate prayer with many words of knowledge being called out for healing.

Rick and I drove to beautiful Weaverville - about an hour from Redding - today to find a coffee shop in an old building and to study in different surroundings. We have a book report due tomorrow on Jack Frost's "The Father's Embrace." Also assignments for Bible reading and Bible study courses. I am also taking a book writing course, and I'm sure there is homework due, but that is for those who know what they are writing about - and I'm still wondering what my book will be about. I have so many stories to tell, yet can't connect them for a book yet. Hopefully it will come soon!

We have signed up to help serve a Thanksgiving Dinner in a Redding neighborhood known as one of the poorer sections here in the city. It ought to be fun! We are also helping with the annual Holiday Christmas feast on Dec. 12, where hundreds of homeless people and  people going through hard times are fed a beautiful feast with family china and in a very wonderful atmosphere at Bethel.

Our outreach class has taken us to the home of two very disabled individuals. We pray for healing and for God's kingdom to touch them - and we pray for the families. Oh, I want so much to see a miraculous healing! We are learning that every time we pray, something happens. We cannot pray without releasing the kingdom. is always the motivation we must have for praying for someone.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Settled and studying in Redding, California!

Praises for our new baby granddaughter, born Oct. 27 - little Mesa Leigh Toft. We were so happy to be able to meet her and the family on a short trip to Colorado last week!

Hello Friends,

So many of you have asked for updates. Some of you have received long e-mails from me. A few have gotten hand-written notes. Others phone calls. Still others are waiting and wondering what is happening with us.

I thought this blog would be the best way to reach most of you, and I plan to update it with new posts frequently - so I hope you keep checking back!
We are learning so much and it's taking a while for us to get used to being students again.
It's a full time schedule with 25 required in class or in church hours, and about 21 hours of reading and homework every week. Book reports, tests, written assignments and much reading are all part of the experience...and we are loving every minute of it.
I'll share book titles and authors in future blogs for those of you who want to know what we're reading and read along.
It's hard to know exactly what to put on this first blog because there is SO MUCH. So, I think I'd like to just start with the basic lessons I am personally learning. With all the book work, prayer, intercession, prophecies, worship, soaking and listening, and reading, reading, reading the Bible, history books, text books, books on revival, books on how to study the Bible, books on intercession, and books on the Father's love, and workbooks on knowing ourselves and Him better - the message boils down to two key areas for me that I am still trying to wrap my heart and spirit around:

1. Understanding who I am in God. The daughter of the Creator. A princess! Royalty. Friend of Christ. Co-heirs with Christ - with all the authority and power that comes with that station.

2. Understanding the pure, awesome, unconditional love of Father God for me. It's a relationship and a love that requires no performance from me. He loves me so much more than I can even know. He created me. No matter what I do or don't do, no matter what I do wrong...he loves me fully and desires a love relationship with me. He loves me exactly as I am. I do not have to strive, work, or get everything right to earn His love.

In coming posts, I'll fill in the blanks about our destiny, our place in God's timeline, what He is calling us to, and more. By "us," I mean His children - but more specifically, I hope to reveal what Rick and I are experiencing with this.

It is so exciting, We have met so many people. There are more than 800 first year students, half of whom are from other countries around the world. All have stories of how they came to Bethel. Most are young adults, but many are in their 40s, 50s and 60s. I'll be sharing some of those stories, too.

For now, know that we are praying for all of you as I know you are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how we can pray for you. Rick and I need prayers for brains that can hold all this information!  God has been so amazingly good through our church and friends. But we still need to find jobs that will help with expenses and allow us to work around our school hours so as not to take away from what we are trying to learn as that is our first priority for the next six months. I have had some writing and editing work and hope to get more. We are thankful for the jobs Rick had last summer that allowed us to re-settle and re-group. He is hoping to find part time work soon.

Love, Chris