Saturday, November 28, 2009

Healing Rooms

Today, we went to the Saturday morning healing rooms at Bethel Church . First you fill out a form if you want prayer. Then you enter the "Encounter Room" which is filled with people who have come for prayer, as well as members of the prayer ministry team. There is a worship team that plays nonstop for about three hours - beautiful worship. There is a table with communion on it. There is a big tarp on the floor where children are playing. There are tables set up where adults and children can draw pictures and make collages on paper. Some are making pictures for others and use the pictures to tell others what God is saying about them. That's called prophetic art. There are easels with canvases and talented painters are making beautiful large pictures as Holy Spirit inspires them. Another corner has dancers - young women and girls who have pretty dancing clothes on and they sway and leap and dance for the Lord and they are beautiful.

I sit in this atmosphere that is so charged by the presence of God. One of the prayer leaders calls out words of knowledge as the Lord moves them. Someone has just been healed of a surgically altered femur that was damaged in a car accident years ago. She is pain free, and her leg and bone have grown out to match the other leg. She testifies she has also been healed emotionally. Another older man says his shoulder, which has been crackling with arthritic pain for years, has just been totally healed. That was after the worship leader had people in the room stand and form a conga line as we danced in worship around the room. Another older man in a cute hat is walking and doing a little jig to the music. He laughs and is full of joy as he greets people around the room. Other prayer ministry team members go to people who raise their hands when words of knowledge go out - like words for foot problems, knee problems, cysts, tumors, old injuries, and such. Last time we were here, someone was healed of multiple sclerosis. She was in a wheelchair and had very little time to live. By the end of the morning she was pushing her wheelchair and talking and moving parts she hadn't moved in years.

Many come to Bethel from all over the country, just to bring their sick and injured loved ones and friends to the healing rooms.

I've come today to get prayer for a lingering sinus cold - and Rick would like prayer for dental issues. Soon we're called out to the healing room and will get personal prayer there.

I realize that even just being in the encounter room, my cold has started to dissipate just from sitting and soaking and worshiping and being in this healing atmosphere. I also realize today that prayer I had two weeks ago when I was here was effective and I didn't think about it until now. They prayed for my back pain and when they called that out today, I checked my back and it was perfectly fine.

On another note, about six weeks ago, Pastor Bill Johnson called out a word of knowledge during one of our classes for someone with migraines that come once a week and have to do with allergies. I stood up, received it, felt a tingling up and down my spine, and have not had any more migraines since that day. Whenever I feel like one is coming on, I just say "no, I'm healed," and let it go. Seems I have had to be prayed for several times for these things, but the healing comes in a process. Some people are healed instantly, some over the coming days and weeks. I think I'm going to go to the healing rooms every Saturday just to sit in the atmosphere there. It's so fun! Rick loves it too. We're learning a bunch just observing.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how the LORD works - he can do ANYTHING - we just need to believe! I thank the LORD for my back that he healed a few years ago - he has given me the ability to ride my bike and run, cross country ski and snowboard again - but now I do these things in awe and wonder! Praise the LORD oh my soul! Paula in Colorado
