Right now I’m sitting at a table with my little Mac, ready to take testimonies from those who God is going to heal this morning. I’m in the Encounter Room – where people wait before going into the Healing Room. Many people will get healed in the Encounter Room today before they even get into the Healing Room.
Here in the Encounter Room, there is a group of young women dancing in one corner – beautiful ballet and graceful leaping. In another corner people are drawing pictures for people of the way God sees them – wonderful prophetic visuals of destinies and love. There is a worship band playing prophetic songs – spontaneous promises of healing. Children play on a floor canvas that is covered with crayons and coloring books. The room is filled with people today, waiting for prayer for all sorts of healing, from cancers to broken bones; from depression to broken relationships; and things as simple as an injured toe, and as complicated as multiple sclerosis. The band is singing “there is nothing impossible with God, nothing is bigger than God.”
Words of knowledge are being called out. When people raise their hands saying they have what that word of knowledge is, a prayer team minister prays over them and some are instantly healed. Some of the words of knowledge include shoulder injury, left ankle, back injury and pain, nerve damage, cancer, hand injury, brain disorders, and migraines.
Someone has just gotten on the mic to announce a cancerous ear tumor has just dissolved next door in the healing rooms. Also, a back has been totally healed.
Last week, 444 people came to the Healing Rooms - a record day. That day, in the enounter room, I was part of a team that prayed for a man who came in a wheelchair and who was so weak and sick with after-effects of a heart attack. He was depressed and in terrible pain. We spoke life into him, and healing, and poured joy over him with laughter and prayer. The team got him up out of his wheelchair and in another hour he came back to me saying he was totally healed. He looked like a different man. He said God gave him back his joy, too. He was strong, pain free, and able to walk without help. No more need for the wheelchair.
There was just a word of knowledge called out for deafness. I prayed for a man in front of my table that his left ear would open and allow him to hear. He said nothing happened. I asked God to help him keep receiving what He is doing in him. Ohhhh – for a day when I could be used by God to help someone hear!!!!
I just got prayer in the Healing Room for my skin allergies and rash. A woman is blowing the shofar – a long horn used in Biblical times – over the room and among prayer recipients. There is a little girl in a pink dress dancing with a young woman – beautiful little dancers swaying to the music. I imagine, as they dance among the prayer servants and recipients, that they are like Holy Spirit – swirling around the room with healing in His wings. Ahhhh. Rick just told me his knees were healed. He didn’t even have that on his request sheet. He came for healing from a bad cold and a cough. One of his prayer ministers had pain in his knees and took that as a word of knowledge. He asked Rick if he had knee pain. Rick said yes. Now his knees are healed. He can kneel on the floor, grind his knees into the floor, and he is completely pain free!!!! Yay God!!! Rick is a carpenter. He need his knees! We are trusting our other ailments we came for are already healed, too.
Photography is not allowed in these rooms, or you can be sure I would be sending some beautiful pictures.
Blessings to all! Chris
This is fantastic! Thanks for faithfully recording these testimonies. Habakkuk 2:2! I'll be a first year in September, and I hope to record the movements of God as well. Thanks for the wonderful encouragement!