How To Get Unstuck
"What are you talking about," I hear you ask??? I, too, felt stuck and ineffective when I recently moved to an area of Colorado where I knew no one. My husband
was working all the time this past year, and I was at home working on my first
book. Fresh out of ministry school and as passionate as a teenage girl with a crush
on a cute boy, I was wondering what, if anything, I could do to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Smack Dab In The Middle of An Amazing World
Well, I’m a writer and photographer. The internet is perfect
for the things I love to do. So I regrouped and changed the focus of my blog.
Then, frustrated that I didn’t have a group of friends to teach my classes to,
I prayed about it and realized I have access to the whole world, right from my
little home office. I set up a phone number on FreeConferenceCall.com; then
asked a bunch of friends that live far away if they would be interested in
doing some classes with me. They all said “yes!” I had people from all
corners of Colorado; Chicago; Massachusetts; Pittsburgh; Cleveland, and California. I had
others checking in from other places, too.
Check Out My Classes!
So all year, I had people meeting weekly all on the same
call for such classes as "Cultivating Kingdom Creativity" using Theresa Dedmon's book; "Dream Culture," using Andy and Janine Mason's book; and "Prosperous Soul," using Stephen DeSilva's awesome teaching on Kingdom finances. A Facebook private page or email was all we needed to stay connected
through the week. I would send encouraging words and testimonies as well as YouTube worship links. Members posted stories of their breakthroughs during the classes - and they still do!
It's All Duplicatable
And guess what? Some of these friends who took my classes have started up the same classes in their home towns. Wow. I am so happy about that!
Now Go Make It Happen!
God is good. He’ll give you ideas like He gave me. You have
purpose; You have something to share with others. You, too, can make it happen with a little simple technology!