I remember those 12 mile drives home from my newspaper job in Kremmling, Colorado. The normally beautiful drive became terrifying when I drove through blinding blizzards, struggling to stay on the road and not sure where my Gore Pass turnoff was. As snow blasted my windshield and blew fiercely in front of my headlights, I knew that ahead there was "my beacon of light." I trusted that street lamp would be there for me to show me where to turn.

He is my rock and still my joy. I would never have had this revelation had I not gone through this pain. God is indeed with me. Jesus holds my heart.
In my life I have known His favor, His promises, His healing. I have known His love. Yet in this time, all this has gone even deeper in me than I ever believed possible.
These past weeks have been another type of blinding blizzard. But in it I have recognized God to be my beacon of light - for He is showing me the way back to life and light and truth and hope.
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