I was having a bit of fun with grandchildren and advent calendars this month. The little windows, filled with chocolates, told about the nativity – the story of Mary, Joseph, and God’s miraculous gift to the world – Jesus Christ, born in a manger. Well, the story stirred some conversation that somehow led to Santa Claus and what it means to be good and what it means when you are bad.
Somehow it also led to me telling them about the fruits of the Spirit. We googled it quickly because I can never remember them all and I read love, joy, peace, forbearance (patient endurance), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It was a sweet little time, innocent and gentle. I simply answered their questions and we even talked a bit about the reality of God even when we cannot see Him. I was amazed what we covered in about a two-minute exchange.
Then we were on to talking about Santa and elves and Christmas lists and one last little bit about patience…waiting for Christmas…waiting for our brothers and sisters and moms and dads…waiting when we don’t feel like waiting …with a smile.
You will feast and be satisfied with Me, Feeding on My revelation truth like honey." (Or chocolate!) (Psalm 81:16 - Passion Translation)
Chris Tracy's book, Tapestry, the Divine Design for Your Life, is now available at Amazon.com in Kindle and soft cover. Click here!
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