I have friends like this. Friends who would do this for me and friends I would do this for. They include lifelong friends, family, and my best friend, my husband.
But what does it mean? It's not complicated. It's just that love overcomes. Love makes all the difference. Love truly conquers all.
It can change self absorption that leads to depression into awareness, thankfulness, and compassion for others in our life - an intentional gift that brings healing not only to others but to ourselves.
Love overcomes sadness and brings joy. The touch of love fills a gray day with color. Love tickles and sparkles and glistens and glitters and permeates. Like osmosis, it invades loneliness and brings the lonely into families. Love is a catalyst and is contagious. It inspires, takes risks, and can slay the monsters in our lives that would keep us from where we want to go...what we want to do...and who we want to be.
Love is an encourager, a cheerleader, a best friend. Love is noticeable - in a glance, a voice, and in a laugh. As missionary Heidi Baker says "Love looks like something." It compels and motivates, heals, and never stops giving - both to the receiver and the giver. Love is a verb, an action word. It is something we all need and all need to give. It softens the giver so the gift can be received. It strengthens the receiver so the heart can be enlarged.
Love triggers romance, and romance triggers love. It is the one divine gift that is never taken back and always multiplies. It is a kindness and devotion and true food that every human craves and every human was given the capacity to give.
Love bestows identity. It turns a pauper into a prince or princess, opens us up to the inheritance of abundance, sets us on our feet, pats us on the head, and sends us out the door with a hug and kiss and a "you can do it." It embraces us in security, warmth, and light. It fills dark corners of our soul with a never ending supply of hope. It assures us that it is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.
Today, I want my friends to know that I would lay down my life for them. I live because of them. The food that feeds me is to encourage my friends and bring them hope. When I am this person, doing these things, I am happy. I am at peace. I am in love.
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