Saturday, August 30, 2014

When I Learned to Ski on TV for Free

Run after your dreams.
God will make a way!
When I was a little girl, my favorite spot in our cold Wisconsin home was in front of the heater vent in our living room. I would sit there and enjoy the dry heat on my backside while doing homework, reading, or watching cartoons after school.

When I turned 10, I learned to ski there. My one desire in life at that time was to ski. I had no boots, no skis, no poles, no way to get to a ski hill – just a desire.

To my delight, I found ski lessons on Milwaukee PBS Channel 10. There, in the comfort of my little spot on the floor, I learned to strap my equipment on, position myself in a snowplow, and glide down a gentle bunny slope in front of my black and white TV console. Soon I learned to make a turn, how to fall, and how to stop. So mesmerized was I that my parents understood my heart’s desire and by the time I was 13 I had my own equipment and was enrolled in the Blizzard Ski School, riding the rope tows, t-bars, and chairlifts of such wondrous 1964 Milwaukee area hills as Alpine Valley, Little Switzerland, and Wunderburg. I truly felt like I was in heaven

Ski lessons were fun and I quickly advanced in rank, with stripes for my jacket to prove my amazing ability. Could my early TV lessons have made a difference? There is something about mental training. Visualizing where you want to be and going through the motions to get there. As a young girl, I didn’t know about these things. All I wanted was to learn and I found a way to do it.
Is there something that is in your heart? Are you thinking that your age, education, ability, finances, situation, or your family are keeping you from it? Do you say things like “someday I’ll have that,” “someday when things are different, maybe….”? I am here to tell you to stop it! Start today. Find a way to teach yourself. With internet and books and people there are many ways to climb those ranks and get stripes on your jacket. Ask God for wisdom and creative strategies. Watch for divine appointments to come your way. Your heart, passion, and desire are attractive to those who carry what you want. Step into it. Call yourself what you want to be.

At 10 in front of my heater and an old TV, I believed I was a great skier before I ever tried. I just did it.

God will make a way! Have fun!

I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)

Let me tell you more stories! My book, Tapestry, is available now on Amazon! Click!

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