Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Declarations - My Christmas Gift to You!

 A bout of several surgeries in a short amount of time had gotten to me. I realized that gradually an insidious monster of bad attitude and negativity had taken over my thought life. It was gradual, robbing my joy.

How often does that happen to you? I know I have the tools to resist it, but sometimes I am sick or weak or it's just easier to let myself fall into it. Kind of a comfort zone.

But it's ugly and hopeless, dark and despairing. It aims to kill and it's straight from the lies of the devil. In ministry school, we were taught over and over and over that the enemy has no power over us except when we believe his lies. His job is to covertly overcome us through lies we think we're telling ourselves. "You're lonely, you're sick, it's going to turn out bad, nothing is going to work, there is only hopelessness to look forward to, you are an imposter, who cares what you think, etc., etc." These are only some of the lies the enemy tries to wield at you and me.

It is so empowering to declare out loud the opposite...the truth. The Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee. How do we resist? One way I do it is to simply declare the promises of God over myself. For example: "My prayers are powerful and effective. God richly supplies all my financial needs. I walk in ever-increasing health. I live under a supernatural protection."

I have attached a link to some of the declarations I love to say daily. When things start to look dismal in my life, I realize I have forgotten this daily discipline.

I encourage you to say these with me every day. Say them out loud. Let your ears hear them. They have the power to change the way we think. Say them enough times, and when that other voice tries to speak lies into your head, you will immediately remember the TRUTH - the promise of who you are, Who you belong to, and why you are here on earth.

Here they are. My Christmas present to you! Daily Declarations from Igniting Hope Ministries. (Steve and Wendy Backlund were some of our amazing teachers at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California.) Click here.

Find these declarations and more in my book "Tapestry, The Divine Design for Your Life." In it you will be given tools to step into your destiny, to restore hope, and to see God's plan for you. Available in print and Kindle versions here: 

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